Our First Blog Ever

This is our first blog we'll see how it turns out

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Monday Packing

Monday morning arrived up fast and the excitment of packing was in the air. Pedro got everyone up early informing them that we needed to pack. It was hard to believe that two weeks had gone by so fast. As we reflect in all that we did, saw, tasted, and experienced, we can say it was truly an adventure. Our good-byes were sad and know that it was a gift we will never forget.

The Last Days In Iquique

As Sunday come along we knew that real soon we were going to be saying our good-byes. As we arrived home from church and having our final Chines meal together. We decided we needed to do some last minute shopping for some goods and solvenirs. We finished the evening by playing a game of Rook and two rounds of Settlers of Catan. I have to be honest when I was first introduced to this game some time back, I did not like it but after this week and playing several times it did not seem so bad. We went to bed at 1:00 a.m. know that we had a big day facing us.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Saturday Filled With Activities

Saturday began with father and son attending a men's breafast at the church. There were 15 men that came to the breafast, and they were responsible for preparing the meal, then we had a devotional time. I had the opportunity of sharing my testimony as to how I was saved as a young boy.
After we got home Pedro and I took the kids to the beach. The grandkids had a wonderful time running around playing, kicking the soccer ball. When we got home they were tired and hungry. Which made it real easy to put the babies down for their afternoon nap. Eva, Isabel and Owen are relaxing playing very quiet.
Stephanie, Kathy and Nina have a ladies meeting this afternoon. Kathty is giving her testimony and then a small devotional. So Saturday was a day of meetings, yet there was time to enjoy our grandchildren. We have just one more full day with our kids and then we start our long journey back to the states. We will return home with fond memories of our visit to Chile, once again thanking the Lord for this wonderful trip.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Our Visit To The Thermal Springs and Geoglyphs

Monday we returned back to the little town of Mamina, spending the night there. It is located 8,856 feet above sea level in the Atacama desert mountains, so one runs out of breath real easy just taking a small walk. It is also very famous for the thermal hot springs and mud baths. People come from all over the world to experience these mineral baths, yet the townspeople want the town to maintain its smallness. Ater our departure from this area, we traveled to see geoglyphs on the side of the mountains put there by the Indians 400 years after Christ. If there is one thing we have seen endlessly in all of our travels here in Iquique, it is miles and miles and miles of desert! We got home, and everyone was very tired and mellow, so we decided to table the games for the evening.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Lord's Day

As we were making plans to attend church, Kathy, Nina and I were looking forward to being in the Lord's house to worship with our brothers and sisters here in Iquique. As I mentioned in our service this morning, there may be differences in culture, words, and customs, but our adoration for the Lord is still the same. God's word crosses all cultures, and God's principles are still the same whether we are in the Texas or in Iquique.
It was a joy to hear our son aptly teach the Sunday School class. Pedro also enjoyed the opportunity to preach. The congragation was very friendly and loving toward us. We are thrilled to be here and see the work in which our children are involved. Now when our kids report to us on how the ministry is going, we will be able to see the church and people in our minds. We say with grateful grateful hearts, "Thank you, Lord, for giving us this opportunity to come to Chile.
We have just experienced our first tremors. It was a small one, but strong enough to know what it was.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Our Trip to Mamiña; Hot Springs Town

Our Trip To Humberstone; A Ghost Mining Town

Friday Was A Day of Relaxtion

Friday was a day where we just took it easy. Pedro our son had to do some studying and the girls went to school excited that they were going to start a two week break. It was nice to just stay home and relaxe after all the excitement of travel, meeting the family, adjusting to the cold weather, meeting church family and doing a little sight seeing.
We were able to visit a therapy center where Isabel goes twice a week to help on her motor skills. Stephanie was sharing that the government provides this service to them, which we feel is a blessing from the Lord. Later that evening we visited with the Spinks family co-worker with Pedro and Stephanie. We also knew them as they attended our church when they were in language school. It was indeed a pleasure to see them once again and surprise as to how much their children have grown after two years.
We finished the evening by playing Rook when we got home. We laugh, screamed and got silly as the game continued. We are going to treasure these moments of family get together.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Review of Our Day

As we close for today I wanted to share a few pictures of the things we saw and did today. Pedro and Stephanie took us to the center square of Iquique. The square was very beautiful and is filled with a lot of history. We were told that the buildings dated back to colonial times. We saw the beach and the waves were huges, all we kept thinking was, to bad its winter. Pedro (my son) and I took Owen to soccer practise in the afternoon, I see a lot of potential in him. We also discovered we were short of bread so to the grocery store we go, the bread seccion. We ended the day by going to prayer meeting and meeting other family members of our Lord. We were recieved with open arms and plenty of love, looking forward to Sunday Services. It was a great day and we are thanking our Lord for allowing us to visit our children here in Chile.

Thursday Events

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day At The Market

Enjoying Our Time together

Family getting acquainted after three years of separation

On our way to Santigo

before the adventure began

First international flight (for some of us)

It started out a beautiful sunny day as we left our home to experience the unknown of international travel. (No, this isn't a Twilght Zone moment). For months we had wondrously contemplated the joy of being with our family, our son and family in Iquique, Chile. It has been three and a half years since we had seen them in person. Now, the day had finally arrived. All was calm and quiet as we left McAllen, Texas, where we live. It's really not a big deal or hassle flying from city to city. We were to fly first to Dallas. All went as normal as you might expect in a big airport. Upon arrival at Dallas we waited shortly for the plane to be rerouted from one gate to another, as they always do in big hubs, causing concern for two members of the family. We disembarked the plane, and began searching for the next gate. We were rescued by a shuttle cart which drove us to our next gate. We realized then that we might not have caught the next flight because it was a very great distance indeed being on the opposite end of the airport. We left at 9 p.m. for the nonstop overnigt flight to Santiago. We found it very pleasant. We had no problem with the international flight itself. I mean, let's face it, they offer movies, good meals, and plenty of drinks to keep you going to the bathroom for hours. After all that pampering, the crowd settled down with lights turning off and the attempt to become comfortable enough to fall asleep. We found it very difficult to do. We were becoming more tired by the hour without beneficial sleep. The real problem, however, was when we arrived to Santiago, Chile. We had several individuals explain what we needed to do to enter the country, but, as often occurs, Murphy Law presides over us. We had to follow three steps. First, get in a long line to pay our entry fee into the country; that went as expected. We were pleased to see the long lines move quickly. Second step was to get our passport stamped. When we presented our passports, the young lady told us that the three of us needed to fill out a form. So, to the forms table we went, filled them out, and reported back to the young lady, handed her our three forms along with our passport expecting to go the next final step. She explaind the three of us needed duplicate copies, one for us and one for her. Frustrated, tired, and anxious back to the table we again went to make duplicates. We handed her our duplicates, she stamped our passorts, and we hurriedly went to the third and final step. We picked up our suitcases, and put them on the scanning belt, only to discover that one suitcase had to be opended to check the contents. However, before it could be opened, we were asked if we filled out a customs report. We had not done it earlier when they passed out the forms to others on the plane because we were told erroneously it was not necessary until we got to Iquique. Now, at Santiago an inspector told us that only one paper needed to be filled out. Then another inspector told us all three of us had to fill one out. We finished that step and hurriedly went to another long line to check in for our final flight. Meantime, the minutes were ticking away and it seemed like we were going to miss our final flight to Iquique. As we finally boarded our plane bound for Iquique, Kathy and Pedro sat in their seats sighing a breath of relief, thanking the Lord that in two hours we were going to be with family after 18 hours of traveling. At last in Iquique, it was a joy to see our son at the airport and to arrive in their home into the open arms of Stephanie, Eva Isabel, Owen, Ian and Alec. Now the Adventure Begins!